Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Book #24 Week #21, Vaclav & Lena by Haley Tanner

Vaclav & Lena by Haley Tanner has been on my to-read list for awhile, I finally had the library transfer it from another branch. Set in modern day New York, Vaclav & Lena, is the story of two nine year old Russian immigrants named, you guessed it Vaclav and Lena.

Vaclav came to America with his hard working mother and father. After a trip to Coney Island, young Vaclav feels it is his destiny to become a great magician and to have his best and only friend Lena as his assistant. Vaclav is attached faithfully to Lena but her home life is drastically different from his. Being "raised" by her drug using, stripper Aunt, Lena is tiny and shy. Fortunately Vaclav's mother loves the little girl and tries to help her as much as possible until one day she witnesses something horrific and has to involve the authorities. This turn of events tears the two children apart for years until one day they find each other again. 

I found Vaclav & Lena new and different from the stories I usually read. Despite it's momentarily dark turn and a death that much mirrors my own mother's recent passing (that was hard and I almost threw the book at the wall! But I am glad I pushed forward) it was wonderful. I loved reading about two children so wrapped up in well, being children, loving the world and wonder of magic and believing that anything and everything is possible. Refreshing, well written, loved it.

 “Vaclav has said goodnight to Lena every night since the night she went away. Out loud. In a whisper. He filled the words with all his love and care and worry for Lena and launched them out to her, and like homing pigeons, he trusted them to find her.”

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