Sunday, September 16, 2012

Book #47 week #37, The Leftovers by Tom Perrota

The Leftovers by Tom Perrotta has been on my reading list for sometime now and I have finally gotten around to it.

This novel follows the lives of quite a few people living in a smallish town. The planet has experienced a "Sudden Departure" or the Rapture if you will. The event has been named the Sudden Departure due to the fact that the people taken seem to be randomly chosen. Christians, Buddhist, atheist, good, bad, young and old were taken, while some obvious candidates for a rapture were left behind. Now it is three years later and people are finally trying to move on and piece their lives back together. But it is difficult, insanely difficult.

I liked The Leftovers, it is well written, the characters are interesting, some I wanted to shake and say "what the hell are you doing?!!". It flows very nicely and it is easy to jump around from character to character. The book is very thought provoking. It made me think about what I would do in these people shoes or heck what would I do if this really happened. But in the end I literally said "aggghh" out loud. The one question that was always on my mind, that keep me flipping the pages is never answered. Why? Why did this happen? Why were some people taken and not others? Why damn it, why?!


“Meg was going to have to learn for herself what Laurie had figured out over the summer — that it was better to leave well enough alone, to avoid unnecessary encounters with people you’d left behind, to not keep poking at that sore tooth with the tip of your tongue. Not because you didn’t love them anymore, but because you did, and because that love was useless now, just another dull ache in your phantom limb.” 

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