Sunday, September 9, 2012

Book #45 week #36, Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris

This series, the Sookie Stackhouse series, was recommended to me. It is the series the TV show True Blood was based on (which I have yet to watch but will check out from the library, we'll see how the show matches up).  I like vampires so what the heck. "Like" might be an understatement here I've been obsessed with vampires as long as I can remember.

Dead Until Dark is about Sookie Stackhouse, a twenty-five-year -old waitress in a bar in a small town in northern Louisiana. Her life is pretty uneventful and she has been waiting to meet a vampire. Vampires have recently come out in mainstream society and are no longer hiding. Finally one day while at work in walks a vampire.

Sookie is frustrated. Frustrated with her "disability" (she can read minds) and frustrated sexually. She is still a virgin at twenty-five because her mind reading intensifies with physical contact. Turns out she cannot read vampire's minds so there just maybe some hope for her yet! Everything is going well until people start turning up dead and naturally the new vampire in town is under suspicion.

I really liked this book more than I thought I would. The cheesy cover really through me off. Before I saw the cover I was expecting a more serious book. Dead Until Dark has its serious moments (and sexy moments) but it is also fun and funny. Though not as funny as the cover led me to believe, talk about "Don't judge a book by its cover!'. I'm glad I gave it a shot. Really short book though, I tend to like my books a bit longer luckily it is a long series!


“Eric appeared to be counting my eyelashes. I tried to keep my gaze on my hands, to indicate modesty. I felt power tweaks kind of flow over me and had an uneasy feeling Eric was trying to influence me. I risked a quick peek, and sure enough he was looking at me expectantly. Was I supposed to pull off my dress? Bark like a dog? Kick Bill in the shins? Shit.”

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