Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simons

The Bronze Horseman is a love story. The story takes place in 1941 Russia right at the start of the war with Germany. The star of our tale is seventeen year old Tatiana who hasn't a care in the world. That is until she meets Alexander, a twenty-two year old officer in the Red Army.

Without spoiling too much there are very big reasons why these two cannot be together. All seems hopeless for them but fear not this is no Wuthering Heights. I guarantee you there is love there it just takes sometime to get to it and being a mature adult woman it was nice to see there are some *ahem* lusty adult moments, very detailed but somehow managing not to be romance novelish. Being that the war has just begun there is a lot of heartbreak, starvation and eventually even death for our cast of characters. But don't let that scare you; there is also life and love and passion!

The detail is amazing. Paullina Simons takes you everywhere from the shabby communal living apartments, to the wartime front line, to a little village by the river. You will be taken from the long hot white nights of summer in Leningrad to the dead cold harsh winter and back again. You will be there with Tatiana as she struggles within herself to please her family and go through the excitement and the unknown of our hero Alexander's mysterious past and his dangerous secret.

I really enjoyed this book. It is the larger format paperback and still manages to fill up 810 pages! For me it was quite the page turner and I could hardly put it down. In fact I read the whole book in just three days and I kept going back to reread my favorite parts. Luckily the story is not finished with the Bronze Horseman and there are two more novels in the series (Tatiana and Alexander, The Summer Garden) which just happened to arrive on my doorstep yesterday : ) I highly recommend this book and hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

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