Sunday, June 10, 2012

Book #27 Week #23, Island of the Sequined Love Nun by Christopher Moore

I like to turn to Christopher Moore when I am down. His outrageous and unbelievable stories always give me a good chuckle. And Island of the Sequined Love Nun didn't fail to deliver.

Tucker Case is a charter airplane pilot who lands in some hot water after a plane crash involving a hooker and too much booze. After losing his license, his job and facing possible jail time an unlikely job offer lands in Tucker's lap. Tuck has no choice but to take it. He will be piloting a small charter plane for a missionary living on a small island in Micronesia. Seems easy enough.

But Tucker's curiosity gets the better of him. He finds it odd that a missionary is able to pay him outrageous sums of money. Tuck wonders what is in the briefcase of the beautiful blond woman (the missionary/Doctor's wife) as he flies her back and forth to Japan. Also why are the indigenous Shark People separated from their missionaries but an electrified fence and armed guards?

After the beans have been spilled I practically slapped my forehead for not seeing it coming. I am used to Mr. Moore's plot lines being more out there but not this one. Don't get me wrong there are some unexplainable situations like a talking bat and a talking coconut! But it is mostly very real.

Though not one of my favorites I did enjoy Island of the Sequined Love Nun. It's a nice read for a lazy afternoon.

Quote: (loved this one)
“Success in America doesn't require any special talent or any kind of extra effort. You just have to be consistent and not fuck up. That's how most people fail. They can't stand the pressure of getting what they want, so when they see that they are getting close they engineer some sort of fuckup to undermine their success.”

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