So what happens in All Together Dead you say? Well I'll tell ya! There is a meeting at Fangtasia. Mr. Andre is there asking for financial help to fix the Queen's home which suffered serious damage in hurricane Katrina. It is reveled that only Sookie witnessed the death of the King and this could be a problem. Later Sookie attends Haleigh's (Andy's fiance) bridal shower and then she goes home. Quinn shows up and the two FINALLY have sex. Soon after Jason calls with news about his girlfriend Crystal's new pregnancy and they have decided to get married right away.
Seriously right away. Sookie gets ready and takes Quinn and Amelia with her to the unusual wedding where she promises to be held responsible if Jason messes up in his marriage. Quinn and Sookie head home while Amelia stays behind at the party. In fact Amelia does not return home that night which makes Bob the cat very unhappy. The next night at work Selah (Bill's new girlfriend) comes in alone and accuses Sookie of attending the vampire summit with hopes of stealing back Bill for herself. Claudine, Tara and Sam all express to Sookie at different times that they do not want her to go to the summit.
The next night Pam drops by the bar to talk to Sookie and her and Eric's relationship and about Sookie and Quinn. Pam is concerned and wants her old boss back since Eric has developed feelings for Sookie and is not acting like himself. Sookie is confused by this conversation because Eric has been avoiding her and not acting like he cares for her at all. If it were me I would have ran all the way over there and threw myself at him! Amelia comes into the bar and hits it off with Pam.
Pam and Sookie go outside and talk about Bill and Eric. Pam and Eric did not know Bill was assigned to Sookie. Pam tells her the story about how Eric made her into a vampire. Eric shows up, kisses Sookie and asks her about her relationship with Quinn. He leaves soon after wondering aloud why he was headed to her house after he'd been cursed with amnesia. The next day Amelia drops Sookie off at the airport for the vampire summit. She rides on a private jet with Mr. Cataliades, his niece Diantha and a human vampire lawyer named Johan Glassport and the coffins of their vampire party. Johan questions Sookie about the King's death.
At the hotel Barry the bellboy from book two is there. Sookie and Barry wander off together to test their telepathic gifts when Sookie is confronted by Jennifer Carter (of the dead King of Arkansas group). We learn Quinn is hiding something. Back in the Queen's room, the Queen arranges by phone a meeting with Jennifer but when they arrive at her room a short time later, Jennifer and two other vampires in it are dead. An investigation is under way and Sookie suggest to the Queen that she marry Andre and make him the King of Arkansas. Turns out Eric is a priest! (shocking I know!) and offers his services if need be. The King of Mississippi marries the King of Indiana. And finally the newly made vampire/were Jake tells Sookie Quinn's secret. He has a younger sister, Frannie, he is extremely protective of. Frannie is the result of an awful rape of his mother that Quinn witnessed and sequentially killed all of the men involved.
Andre corners Sookie with the brilliant idea to exchange blood with her so she will be tied to him and therefore the Queen as well. Sookie freaks out and Eric comes to the rescue. He offers to take Andre's place as that is the only feasible option and luckily Andre excepts. Sookie sucks the blood from a cut Eric makes in his chest. He gets very turned on in this moment right in time for them to be interrupted by Quinn. Needless to say Quinn isn't sure what is going on and he is not happy. Later there is a call to the Queen's room about an unclaimed suitcase. Sookie retrieves the bag and brings it to the room. On her way back to the room she notices a weird soda can. Turns out it is a bomb and hotel security come to help. The situation is taken care of and Sookie is interviews. She had sensed Eric coming to help her and he tells her Bill would have come too but he forbade him from coming. Eric is shocked that he even offered to take the bomb from her since he is known for looking out for himself first. Turns out the Queen did not know of Andre's blood exchange plan.
Quinn sleeps in Sookie's bed that night be he is very jealous because of Eric. The next night Sookie gets all dressed up for the ball but gets called to the Queen's trail instead as a witness in the killing of the King. The Queen is found innocent and a witness set to speak out against her is killed by an arrow. Quinn gets hit by a second arrow trying to protect Sookie. The assassin is killed while the arrow is pulled from Quinn's shoulder. In a new turn of events Eric's mere presence seems to comfort Sookie. Eric asks Sookie is she loves Quinn and if she loves him. Besides being affected by Eric's presence, drinking his blood for the third time seems to have opened her up to being able to read vampire's minds as well as human's. Sookie gets word that the Fellowship of the Sun is planning some sort of attack.
Barry and Sookie investigate local archery places to find out more about the assassin at the trail. They find the right one and are asked to return later. Sookie leaves the Queen a message stating this and when they return later the employees are dead. Barry gets upset with Sookie for tripping the silent alarm instead of sticking around to help the police. Jake shows an unusual interest in making sure Sookie gets out of the hotel the next day, he suggest she goes shopping or sightseeing. Sookie speaks to Bill and even he starts asking her if she is in love with Eric or Quinn or even JB!
The next morning at 10am, Sookie is awaken by Barry "calling" to her telepathically. She finds Jake knocked out from the sun by her door and she kicks him when she realizes what he has done. The unclaimed suitcases and coffins are bombs planted by the Fellowship and Jake. Sookie manages to wake up Eric enough to get him and Pam out of the hotel. Barry and Sookie uses their gifts to help find survivors and then leave to a motel together when they are too tired to help anymore. At the motel Mr. Cataliades stops by to update them. Queen Sophie-Anne lost both her legs. The hotel owner Christian Baruch planted the soda can bomb. He wanted to impress the Queen with hopes of marrying her and opening a vampire hotel in New Orleans. The Queen is behind the deaths of the accuser at the trail, the assassin (which lead to the deaths of the archery range employee's which Sookie feels guilty for) and the Arkansas vampires. Barry goes to the airport to return home while Sookie visits Quinn in the hospital. Frannie is there and lets Sookie use her car to get home since she needed to drive Quinn's car.
Once home Amelia starts to spill the beans that Sookie's friends got married. She thinks she missed Andy's and Portia's double wedding when a car pulls up. It is Tara, she has come to tell Sookie that her and JB got married! At the end Sookie remembers seeing Quinn crawl over to Andre and stake him in the commotion of the bombing at the hotel.
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