Sunday, February 19, 2012

Book #7 Week #7, Fool by Christopher Moore

This weeks book is Fool by Christopher Moore. This book is about Pocket and his sidekick the dimwitted Drool. Pocket is a jester in King Lear's court. He is more than just any old jester really as the King kept him on because he is the only one that can make the young Princess Cordelia smile.

You know a book is going to be good when it comes with a warning! Here is the warning from Fool:

This is a bawdy tale. Herein you will find gratuitous shagging, murder, spanking, maiming, treason, and heretofore unexplored heights of vulgarity and profanity, as well as non-traditional grammar, split infinitives, and the odd wank. If that sort of thing bothers you, then gentle reader pass by, for we endeavor only to entertain, not to offend. That said, if that’s the sort of thing you think you might enjoy, then you have happened upon the perfect story!”

That pretty much sums it up. I found this book to be hilarious and it follows the story of King Lear pretty well: The aging King asks his three daughters to tell him how much they love him, the youngest Cordelia says she has no words to explain her love so the King disowns her and splits up the kingdom between the other two daughters. Not long after he realizes this is a mistake and starts going crazy, the eldest daughters fight amongst themselves always wanting more. Shakespeare is known for writing tragedies and King Lear is no exception but not in Christopher Moore's version, at least the end anyway, Fool manages to have a happy ending not one in which everyone dies!

I really liked Fool but I really like Christopher Moore. I know he is not everyone's cup of tea but give it a shot sometime!

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